As I was being driven over by my personal driver Lynn, I found myself myself wondering, “Will this really be a Nuclear Hootenanny? Can Kenn Kweder revive the magic that was so much the touchstone of the creative Philadelphia music scene”?
Then I stopped wondering when I remembered, Kenn Kweder can to anything.
It's back....
It's a stone cold happening...
And the Legend lives on.
EVERYBODY who was a mover and shaker in the Philly songwriting community seemed to be there. You may not know these names, but you should. Kenn Kweder (of course), Larry Saklad, Adam Gregory, Chris Degangi, and by the end of the night, even David Rowen found his way to the Hollywood Tavern.
Not only were the musicians there, the local music supporters were out in force as well. It was a lot like a family reunion without that In-law you like to avoid showing up.
Of course the high point of the night, in my estimation, was the blistering hot set provided by Kinagree Smith. We tore it up... but then... that is how we roll.
To say the show was an Epic musical event would be remarkably accurate. Everybody was amazing and the place was packed out.
I can't wait until next week when Valery Barbin (Noma Falta) comes to play. After the show on the 16th, the Nuclear Hootenanny will go back into hibernation. For how long? Only Kenn Kweder really knows. But when ever it happens again, I'm sure it will be incredible.
You might think I'm being overly optimistic, but remember, Kenn Kweder can to anything.
Keep expecting great things
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