Tonight (unless you are reading this on a date other then April 17th 2012), we'll be undertaking a bold experiment in the name of both Science and Art.
Here is the deal.
At 6 PM SLT (9 PM EDT) The Band “Kinagree Smith”, with featured guest bassist/vocalist Noma Falta, will be doing a Live video show on the web site “Stage It”.
You might have heard us making amazing music and having the time of our lives in Second Life, but now you can get a real life glimpse into the reality of us making amazing music and having the time of our lives.
The entertainment value of this is incalculable (wow, that is a big word meaning “The math would be very hard”). But we aren't just doing this for the well documented “Jolly Factor”, we are undertaking this in the name of Science.
In other words, we've never done it before. Others have, but they were not Kinagree Smith with featured guest Noma Falta. So anything can happen.
To participate, you need to head over to “Stage it” and do all the register-y crap that just about ever other web portal requires and get some “Stage it” Money.
Don't panic.
We know the economy sucks and we keeping this “Super Mega History Making Event... All In The Name of Science” affordable. For the paltry sum of two dollars American, you can pull on your lab coat and RAWK out with us.
Our researchers assure us there is nothing good on TV tonight. So come on out and find out just how much fun you can have with an Internet connection.
Expect great things.
Here is the link to “Stage It”.
Here is the link to the show.
SOUNDS INTERESTING. Will "be" there. - Camille