We were scheduled to play a show at 9 PM SLT (Midnight local time) and when we got there, there was no owner or host around to change the stream to the parcel. I feel I should mention, if Lexie and I stay up till midnight to play a show, we aren't happy campers when there is no way to play it. When People come out to the show, we want them to get the best show we can squeeze out and and build our legend.
No host means no show right?
Well in most cases it would mean that, but we've been sending our stream to our web site so people out of world can listen as well. Last night one of those at the Sim we were playing suggested we just play the show and have those in attendance pick up the stream from the web site.
Brilliant, Thank you Enchantress.
We did this, and it worked. Maybe not as elegantly as having the stream on parcel, but it did get the music to those that most wanted to hear it. Those that would go the extra mile.
While the crowd was not huge, but the fact they dealt with the situation when they could have just gone to another show speaks volumes about there interest in what Lexie and I are doing.
We really do think the world of our supporters, and much thanks to all that came out and helped us overcome the Second Life boggle of “No stream to parcel”.
Also, honors to Enchantress whom not only came up with the idea, but spent most of the show telling those the showed up what was going on, what the IP address of the stream was (for winamp users), and what the URL for our web site was. She was a major help, and we really appreciate you stepping up.
If we've learned anything from Bruce Jenner and the Village People it's, “You can't stop the music”. Not when you have musician that want to play, some supportive creative listeners that come up with solutions, and supporters that are willing to implement that solution.
And I feel I should mention, I'm in no way bashing the venue. I'm sure whom ever was suppose to host last night had some kind of real life situation that kept them from making the show. Stuff happens it's part of the Second Lifestyle. But it's good to overcome, and we did it together.
Thank you all for your support and expect great things.
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