We are # 25... no wait... #26... oh... now #25 again
The charts were a bit goofy the other day. Somehow our position dropped in the middle of the day and that is not suppose to happen. The charts should change only at the beginning of the day.
Suffice it to say, we are BACK at #25.
Yesterday was a big day for our metric. The aggregate score for all activity is called “Band Equity”. This is the basic value of the promotional campaign. Ours went up 27 points (the average increase is about 2 or 3 points, this is our biggest jump ever), and this is due primarily to a massive increase in plays, 187 song plays in one day (once again the most song plays in a single day).
I do know the story behind this increase in song plays.
I got an Email this morning from an “Unnamed supporter”, telling me she had posted the song widget on her face book page and asked her friends to take a listen. She said she didn't know if it would work or not.
It worked... really well.
Small actions often have great effects, and we are only 24 positions away from #1.
It's all about a story
We have a very small promotional budget. Our budget is basically hard work, keeping at it, and the support of our friends. So far things are moving forward in spite of our financial shortcomings.
I'm of the opinion, our greatest promotional tool is our story. I find myself telling it time and time again. People seem interested in the story and want to know more.
One of the most interesting part of our story is the relationship we share with our listeners. The Other day I was playing a show and Teara Roux showed up. I meet Teara my second day on the grid and she's been coming to shows for over three years.
She is not alone in long standing support. There is a view in the world that online relationship are transitory and a lot of them are. But the listener/artist relationship online seems quite profound and in it's own way, quite intimate.
Kinagree-Smith, or Lexie and Zorch's story is inexorably linked to the story of people that support us.
We are currently imagining creating an online movie that tells our story, but without your participation we won't have the full story.
So once again I have a favor to ask.
If you have a web cam, or a video cam you can video files with. Please take a moment to share part of your story about Lexie and Zorch/Kinagree-Smith. Please keep it relatively short. If you want you can just give us a shout out.
I know of one fan that has our music on his MP3 player and has a habit of forcing his friends to listen to it.
I know of one woman that drives to work everyday listening to my music.
I know of one woman that spent her vacation following me around Second Life catching every show she could.
I know of one mother who shares our shows with her autistic son.
I know of a couple that had Lexie and Zorch in their hand-fastening ceremony, and inspired the song, “Mo Anam Kara”.
What is your story?
I know it's a personal thing, but if you feel comfortable sharing it, please do so. Make a video and send it to zorchboomhauer@gmail.com
We would like to get between 10 and 50 stories.
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