Dear Diary,
Today is the 15th day of band camp and I haven't written home to mom and dad yet to come and get me
Truly its been quite musically awakening. Not for lack of sleep.... sleep is just not rock and roll, but I get to play music with Zorch Boomhauer and that is rocking my world.
We have taken two styles which probably couldn't be further apart and without consciously compromising, blended it into one unique sound that fits like a glove yet sounds like nothing I have ever heard.
We have both checked our egos at the door and work toward the good of the music. Its not about ooooh lets do my song or lets do yours, its all about , lets try this , I think it would rock.
Each and every live performance is new and getting tighter. Musical cues are being read by a nod or a look.... and truthfully its always fresh and fun. We are working hard and the schedule is extremely rigid as when we are not performing in world , we are rehearsing and planning the tour.
The highlight of today's events was a radio show we did together at BOSL radio. We were amazed and grateful for the support of our listeners who both listened in world at the station and out of world through the website.
The Hush and Wylie show is always a fun show to do. Uncle Slappy Wylie is completely insane and Hush and Mia just rock. Zorch gave a very Zorchtastic interview and played Da troof live, then we played the lament of ashes together live.
Ok, now let me get to the questions you all have been wondering...
No Zorch and I aren't ready to kill each other.... we are getting a long great
Yes , The Futon broke , but I didn't do it.
No, we aren't reading each others im's , we aren't hoverer's
We are both so extremely looking forward to playing this show Friday night on the 19th, Oak and My Spam Queen Sheila will be in attendance. How cool is that? There are still about 15 tickets left before the show is sold out so if anyone would like details just send me a message and I will totally hook you up.
Band Camp Rocks...
Written by Lexie Luan/Lexie Smith
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