The Nuclear Hootenanny is gone. If you wanted to some day attend this event, it's too late.
Kenn Kweder hosted this epic musical free for all for a period of 11 months. He informed the owner of the bar he needed to take some time off from the massive amount of work the Hootenanny required. The bar owner got a friend of his to take over hosting duties but it seems this fellow was not up to the task. After two Kwederless weeks, nobody showed up to play, and the owner said “Fuck it”. Kenn Kweder's Nuclear Hootenanny is now resigned to history.
But what a history. Let's not willow in melancholy. Let's remember when Kenn and a rag tag group of musical geniuses shook the pillars of heaven. It was probably the coolest thing to ever happen in Port Richmond, and elevated a humble corner bar to the epicenter of the Philly music scene. All the cool kids played there and I'm glad to be numbered among them.
You know, thinking back, it seems everybody I know from Philly I ether met at the Hootenanny, or ended up at the Hootenanny. Come to think of it, I met my Phantom roommate there.
But not all changes are sad.
Kinagree Smith has played many live shows in the Philly area and while each one was a treat, I must confess I felt we could have used a bit more time on stage. Lexie and I play one hour shows just about every day. A 20 min set (in some cases two song) made us feel as if we were just pulling the guitars out of the cases, just to turn around and put them back in. But you do what you must to get your music out in front of people.
Well... I'm pleased to announce we've booked our first headlining show.
As headlining shows go, this is a humdinger. We are playing at “Rollers @Flying fish” on December 4th,in the Chestnut hill section of Philadelphia, and the last two acts to play there were Mose Allison and Andy Pratt.
Not bad company to keep.
Tickets for Limited seating go on sale hopefully sometime Friday. Of course as soon as we have a link we'll be plastering it all over the place.
The Opening act is Jim Dragoni. The second best guitarist in the whole universe.
Rollers is also a listening room environment. People come for the music.
With just a solid date announcement we've had 18 request for ticket info. Things are looking good. But as good as things look, the aspect that has me most excited is we get to bring the full Kinagree Smith experience to a live audience.
So things are changing, but in a crazy world where nothing makes sense, there is one constant.
You can always expect great things.