Now it's not because we are international men and or women of mystery. It's just hard to get people to volunteer in a timely manner. Remember we have a photography

Well after months of that not quite working out, I was in full panic mode. In case you are wondering, I'm the one in charge of panicking. Lexie suggested we set up the video camera on the tripod, run the camera and export frames from the video.
Well that worked. Actually I think it worked quite well. I'm

Hey speaking of timely help, Much thanks to Bill for running the video camera for us last night at the Green Rock Tavern. He did a great job and I really just handed him the camera and said, “Hit the red button to record”. Great Job Bill you RAWK.
I'm reminded of the soldiers creed sometimes.
“We the Unwilling.
Lead by the Unknowing.
Have done so much, for so long with so little.
We are now able to do anything with nothing.”
We, and when I say we, I mean all of us, Lexie, myself and all our supporters are the soldiers of folk rock music. Our methods might be unconventional, but the conventional rout is for people with enough money to be conventional. All we have is talent, moxy and some of the best supporters in the world.
So who needs money...
Sep for paying rent and eating and stuff like that.
Things are moving forward and keep expecting great things.
You know I will help you in any way I can. Thanks for the almost instant friendship!