With so much ahead and I'll be back Monday with a report on the who,where,what, where, and how of this weekends events.
Friday morning, #28 on the Philadelphia Folk artist charts
Once again our supporters have pushed us up into another level of the prestigious Philadelphia Folk Artist charts. Support RAWKS, and our dear friends RAWK as well. Much thank to you all.
Saturday, radio show production of the Kinagree Smith show
While we did have lots of plans for what our first show would be like, getting people to actually line up and do things in a timely fashion doesn't always go as you hope. But we do have an obligation to do a show so lets see what we come up with. There should be some interesting features in the future, we have talked to a guy that builds guitar amps out of cigar boxes (very cool) and we may get an in studio demo featuring... wait that is a secret.
Can't tell you. Actually I forget who is doing the demo but he plays pretty freaking good.
We may also have an impromptu interview with Progressive Metal band DRX. They practice next door to us so we'll probably just grab them, push them in front of a mic and start asking questions. “WHAT'S YOUR FAVORTIE COLOR BITCH!!!!”
Hey you never know what to expect and I'll be the first to admit we are making it up as we go along. So far that is an apt description of everything we do, and it seems to work for us. If you cut us, Jazz comes out.
Womyn fest at the majestic Rotunda Theater
This is a big deal... perhaps. I'm having kind of a hard time figuring out how this is going to break. It's a good venue, all age and free admission, so it's reasonable to expect some kind of a crowd. I'm sure we'll play as we always do, somewhere between great and quasi religious experience.
We have our donated video camera to document the event, so there should be a some new videos next week.
Thanks again Pretz
We might also have a second video camera at the event so it could be a two camera shoot. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Could be a cool show with perhaps a cool video and that would be.... umm.. cool.
Monday pre-production meeting for the upcoming Kinagree-Smith debut recording
Lexie and I will be meeting with our producer Ira Norman Segall Monday to do some pre-production recording. I'll let you know how that goes and we might get some video of that as well.
Seems things are going to be hopping this weekend, and unless something major breaks I don't plan to update the blog until the dust settles. See you all Monday. Have an amazing weekend.
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