Video MADNESS!!!!!
The new video for “Your Words” has been doing well. Keep in mind, it's not quite the unstoppable juggernaut we were hoping for, but for one of our productions it's doing very well indeed. 203 view in 3 days public, three comments and 7 likes. While those are not “Setting the world on fire” numbers, it is considerably better then we normally do. We've also picked up a few new subscribers, so.... Woohoo!
In case you haven't seen it yet, here is the handy link.
Okay, now for the big news.
Introducing the new, KINAGREE SMITH WEB SITE
This may well be the coolest web site ever put up on the net. At least when it comes to the topic of Kinagree Smith.
It's pretty feature rich and let me give you a walk around.
First at the top of the page is the “Info flasher” giving you a quick grasp for the epic scope of what we have planned. While all things might not be clear at first, in time all things will be revealed. Consider it an “early warning” for what we have in store for you.
To the top right of the page is our, “Wonder Widget”. Now the “Wonder Widget” has every feature most music based web sites have in one handy widget. You've got songs, picture, videos, tour dates and even a handy link to join our mailing list (it even mentions there is a free download available). If this were an average site, we could have just placed the widget and gone out for beers. But it's not the relative complete and compact nature of the widget that makes it a wonder. The Wonder Widget is.... (wait for it)..... embeddable. This means you can share the LOVE of Kinagree Smith with anybody the web.
Just post it, and leave a message saying, “You can thank me later”.
Did I mention this is not an average web site?
We have a “Meet Kinagree Smith” section that forgoes the average “Band bio Bullshit” and feature short video interviews with the band members. I don't really know how informative they are, but they are at least more interesting then blah blah blah....
It's more about personalities rather then dry information. Ira comes off as a well spoken introspective man of the world with a bit of a wild streak. Lexie comes off as a sweet optimistic darling, and Jack comes off as a charming ego maniac.
Pretty accurate I think.
Now I have mentioned this web site is different, and if I had to point to one feature that sets it apart, it would be it's major thrust. We do have an agenda beyond,”Our band is wicked cool”. We are set to push our music into the world by any means possible.
Our band feel the Kinagree Smith live show is the apex of our labors. So as many people should be enjoying those shows as possible. The includes people that are a bit behind the technology curve. At least as far as attending shows in Second Life is concerned.
We have had a “Streaming device” on the old web site for a while, and we've had several local listeners share with us they enjoy the shows. But we've taken steps to make the out of world experience more interesting.
First off, we changed the calendar to reflect East Coast Time rather then the Second Life Time we use to use. If nothing else, this pleases Ira... who is not yet use to adding three hours to every show time.
And then we've added a chat box at the bottom of the page so people listening can share there comments with the band, and anybody else hanging out in the chat room. Making things a bit more sociable.
Keep in mind, if you are listening in Second Life, you can still log on to our web chat and meet some new people.
The next new feature is our “Recorded Live” section. Once again, the live show is the thing, so if you log on when no show is going on, you can still catch a Kinagree Smith show. We currently have four shows available, and one of them is two hours long. I plan to keep adding new shows daily if I have time.
I could go on and on about how much we've packed into this web site, but instead I'll suggest you go over and check it out yourself. When you get there, bookmark it, you'll want to come back.
Thanks again for all the support. And as always, expect Great things.
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